Drama Club

Primary tabs

Age Group:

Tweens, Teens
This event is part of a combined series. If you register for this event, you will be automatically registered for all of the following events in the series.
Registration for this event will close on July 31, 2024 @ 4:30pm.
Allowed Grades: 5th Grade to 12th Grade
There are no more seats remaining.
There are 6 waitlist seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Attention all actors, sound engineers, and Potter fans! Interested in producing a radio play? Here’s your chance to make a sound recording of a scene from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone! The program will consist of four sessions; role assignments and read-throughs, recording, and editing for the last two sessions. Participants will get a digital file of the recording and a Harry Potter memento.



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